Are your personal finances the missing piece in your puzzle?

So many people have taken charge of their lives: chosen their careers, where they live, their close relationships. But they haven’t figured out money. Sure, they may be good at budgeting. But without a deeper sense of how money fits into their lives, there’s a sense of uncertainty and unease. Financial Freedom 1 is here to fix that.

What if you could heal your relationship with money and save hundreds more per month at the same time?

If you feel like you’re avoiding or ignorant of your finances, consider taking this online, coached course from me, Douglas Tsoi. It will help give you a sense of control and competence with your personal finances and help you see money as a partner in what you want to do in life

School of Financial Freedom combines the practical concrete math of personal finance with the hard inner work of healing your relationship with money.

You’ll see yourself and the internal beliefs that hold you back, identify your core values, and align your spending, giving and savings habits with what you really care about. You’ll understand the practical financial steps you need to design a life you want. You’ll begin to feel more in control, confident, and free.

Personal finance is a pathway to personal empowerment and spiritual development.

This is an invitation to get clear on what you want, face old wounds, and face the discipline of committing what's important to you. Instead of just learning, you’ll spend the two months beginning to execute the changes in your budget that will change your life. The coaching and the community will give you as sense of accountability to keep you going. And it’s fun!

“It is wildly empowering to be working on this endeavor with other smart, thoughtful folks, getting feedback along the way. Books and websites could give me all the tactical info, but only other people could engage me in the way that feels “sticky,” in the way that social emotional learning is. I thought this course would be rewarding and interesting. I didn’t think it would be fun. It was fun.” - Hilary, Seattle WA

“The first step of financial independence is liberating your mind.” - Vicki Robin

Financial Freedom 1 is a coached online course that helps you understand your relationship to money, the math to personal finance, and the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors for building a life you can be proud of. It will help you build a path to financial liberation.

Learning to be competent with money and improving your financial stability is something worth investing two months into. If you’re worried about the cost, graduates report saving an average of between $100-$800 a month after taking Financial Freedom 1. Your coach and a cohort of co-strivers will help you feel in control about your finances, have a budget that aligns with your values, and feel more secure, empowered, and at peace. It’s a space where you can talk honestly about money, without shame, and bring your financial reality to light. It’s a space to re-examine your money stories and learn the concrete knowledge needed to feel comfortable with your finances. Make no mistake: this is work, often hard inner work. And worth it.

“The course far exceeded my expectations. It recalibrated my relationship with capitalism: by expanding my understanding of personal finances the course unveiled ways that I could be intentional about directing money towards fulfilling my potential. I gained much needed clarity around the narrative I was spinning with money, and how I could alter the story. I would recommend the course to anyone who values learning how to make money an effective tool for creating a good life.” - Ashby, Portland OR

“Freedom is not something that anybody can be given. Freedom is something people take, and people are as free as they want to be” - James Baldwin

“This course was incredible. I felt a mental shift in the huge internal struggle that I’ve had around money. I was amazed at everything that I was learning. Some of it I wasn’t ready for, and I’m still working through it. It was transformational” - Radaris, Bronx, NY